Thursday, June 4, 2009

SDLC/PoCC(11/5/08): I Know Where I’ve Been

I know where I’ve been.
It was a place where you could touch
The creamy clouds and sit with God.
A place where I was a live and well
I was infused with an energy
That was not my own; I was home.
I opened my mouth and took step
Not realizing that I had traveled
To a place where I had never been.
A place of effervescent light
Shimmering brightness, blinding.
But I can see clearer than ever before.
I don’t know where I’ve been
An ignorance shuts me off from the
World from which I am- the world
To which I’m supposed to belong.
My shadows are reaching, trying
To connect to theirs. And I’m trying-
I’m trying to understand my place,
And my life, my purpose, my being,
My spirit, my God, my reason, my passion,

But you can’t tell me where I’ve been,
Who I am, what I need. Not why I’m here,
Until I know, until I understand.
I understand, and you understand
That you can’t judge, and I can’t judge
And you don’t know me,
And I don’t know you.

But I can question.

I have the ability to ask, ponder.
Think, process. The ability to move on-
Move on from this time,
These unmoving breezes that aren’t
Bringing me- bringing us anywhere.
To move past the statues that
Block my path, choke my dreams,
Squeeze the life from these veins.

Yes, I can be free and you can’t
Tell me no. Because if I don’t believe,
It won’t be true.

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