Thursday, June 4, 2009

(12/13/08): Ignis Fatuus

“Everything happens for a reason” -Anonymous

I have no idea what I was put on this Earth to do.
I am wandering aimlessly upon this hard ground
kneeling on rocks that pierce my skin and bruise,
and pinch, and create sores that travel
all the way to my soul.

Walking though the fields, I bend and my back smarts
from the whip that has been brought down
one too many times upon the skin that seems not able
to protect what’s within.

I have been put here for nothing, forever running
towards a future I cannot see, blinded by noxious fumes
I cough, and out comes a mucus so thick that it chokes
the life that was put in these veins for a reason.

Further and further away I climb away, or towards
but the staircase never ends. Its supposed to.
I’m supposed to be at the top, but life doesn’t work
the way its supposed to.

Knowing I have to live has made life that much harder
Knowing I can’t just opt out, check a box and be free.
Knowing that climbing won’t do anything,
but that I have to climb, towards nothing
but those noxious fumes.

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