Thursday, June 4, 2009

Blurb on the nation (10/23/08):State of the Nation

we are only as much as we put into
the melting pot they say this country is
mixing, bubbling over, until it overflows
and those that are out never get back in
to the race that life has become
to the house and the car and the 2.5 kids.
there is more out there than what we can see
but we shut it out like a hose being strangled
and shut by a hand that knows its own strength.
no more do we expect them to care for us
because we won’t care for them, so why does
any one care about anyone else anymore?
aren’t those days over when we could lean
on our neighbor becuase he would help carry
the sorrows that were given to us by the same
ones who act like they will help you.
when they won’t.
and they make you believe that everything
is going to be alright and you tell your family
and they tell their friends, and soon the world
is believing a lie that didn’t even start out as truth.
so what have we been reduced to? The haze
must lift before you will see, see clearly,
not what you see now which are the lies fed
to you from birth, but instead what your heart
knows is real, and finally, when the veil is lifted
and we can see clearly because the rain is gone
we will say that we are proud of our country.

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