Thursday, June 4, 2009

(12/14/08): The Snooze Button

No longer do I understand the point of asking questions
if they are not going to be answered anyway.
The question is in the air filling space,
floating between two worlds, unused.

The sweetness of punctuation has been lost
in the noise that the words surrounding create.
A long awaited pause is necessary, but it never arrives,
creating a traffic jam on the interstate-95.

The excess fluid overflows, into the street,
and forms a towering wave of bubbles,
popping silently over the stalled cars.
No one tries to catch the snowflakes anymore.

The weather isn’t great, so not a lot of people are out
But out are the worms, chewing the soft dirt
and turning it over and over and over,
rhythmically to the beat of nature.

And I tap my foot softly to that song
that’s been in my head all day, and hasn’t left yet.
And I ask my self whether or not I will wake up early
tomorrow morning, or if I’ll just sleep in.

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