Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hi people…

Hi… I have no idea who reads this, and if anyone does. But if you do, I’m sorry that I haven’t written in so long. But hopefully I’m back School is about to be out, and these past few weeks have been reallly reallly stressful.
Blogging/ writing in general helps me to relieve some of that. I’m actually thinking of moving this blog to a place a little more open… maybe blogspot or something, who knows? but for now I’m staying with edublogs I’m not going anywhere yet.

sooo… a little while ago, my AP Drawing class went on a field trip to a cemetary up the street from Forrest Hills Station in Boston. We were told to just go out in pairs and find a little spot and do a couple of drawings. Afterwards, you could do whatever you wanted: read, nap, write, eat, whatever…
I decided to write, and a poem came out of it. argh….. don’t remember the date. I want to say it was the 3rd of April… but I’m really not sure.

Listen to the wind.
Let it say what it has to before interrupting,
thinking that you know everything.
You, with your pen in your hand:
Take time to watch the waves dance with the fish
before painting them like someone important enough
to think you can capture this on canvas.
Let the rain touch you, run down your face.
Lift the wobbly glass to your mouth
and taste the reality that you will never
truly know.
Understand that not even by changing the background,
or the lighting, or the day, or time, media, or colors,
can you ever get it right.

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