Sunday, November 29, 2009


Maybe these six word things will help me write again.
I miss the feeling of pen on paper. I miss
sharpening my pencils.
Or waking up in a panic at three o'clock in the morning just to write four words down because they're in such a perfect order that if you forget then your life is over.
I miss writing something and editing and editing
and editing. or even writing something
and knowing, at least for five minutes, that you got it right the first time.
I even miss writers block.
I miss the rush- when your handwriting becomes illegible because your mind is moving too fast for your hand and there is no possible way you can keep the entire sentence in there.
I miss writing in the margins.
Keeping three sentences in my head at once and moving them around as I walk to my next class.
I miss being able to get inspiration from anywhere and everywhere.
I miss knowing that my handwriting was going to change
halfway through a sentence.
(I miss the smell of bookstores and old books.)
I miss trying to figure out what I had written five minutes before.
I miss writing.

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